Are you a Friend of the Park?
As a member of Friends of Maudslay (MSPA), you are investing in the beauty and history of this extraordinary park. By making a donation in any amount you can become a Friend of Maudslay, and see the work that you and other members are funding every time you walk, run, or ride through Maudslay State Park. Member contributions are currently being used for several conservation and restoration projects, including the Stone House, the Italian Garden brick walls, the dam restoration project, as well as maintenance and replacement of dogwood trees and other specimen plants. The results of 35 years of membership can be seen all around the park.
Please donate now and become a member! Your membership is a tax deductible contribution.
$ Other
Or you can Adopt-an-Acre for a $50 yearly membership -sponsor a single acre or feel free to sponsor more. Click here for more information.